As usual we start the weekend with the Beginner series TONIGHT at 6:30 PM. For the fourth class, we will build on what we learned last week by using the cross system to lead the cross.
After class, stick around for the weekly Thursday práctica from 7:30-10:00PM ($5).
Saturday, August 3rd is Triangle Tango’s First Saturday Milonga at TDS ($8), featuring our friend, Cecil Ho, as host and DJ. Please visit their website for more details.
As always on Sundays, we rest up for our Intermediate and Advanced classes on Mondays. Intermediate students will learn a classic tango move, the ocho cortado. Advanced students will begin a new monthly topic with guest teacher, John Singletary: Sweeping Her Off Her Feet with Off-Axis Moves.
Remember to sign up for these events at our Meetup site and like Tango Utopia on Facebook for the latest updates and photos.
See you on the dance floor!