As usual we kick off the weekend with the Beginner class TONIGHT at 6:30 PM. Jae is back from vacation and she will pick up where Cecil left off with the ocho. After class, stick around for the weekly Thursday night práctica ($5).
Tangophilia is hosting a weekend workshop with Tomás Howlin. Please visit their website for more information on classes and the Informal Milonga at TDS on Friday ($10). Saturday is the monthly Milonga Pichuqueando at Piazza Italia. This FREE milonga will feature Roberto Restucha as DJ and a performance by guest instructors, Tomás Howlin and Karen Jaffe from Tangogypsies in Asheville.
And as always on Sunday, we rest up for classes. This Monday is the last class in the series for Intermediate and Advanced students so come with your ideas and be ready to work! We’ll be announcing the new class schedule soon, so please stay tuned!
You may sign up for these events at our Meetup site and like TangoUtopia on Facebook for the latest updates and photos.
See you on the dance floor!